Accommodation warden
Property manager, hall manager
Accommodation wardens manage the day-to-day running of services like sheltered housing, youth hostels and student flats.
Advocacy worker
Independent advocate, relevant person's representative
Advocacy workers help give people a voice in decisions about their health or social care.
Aid worker
Development worker, humanitarian aid worker, relief worker
Aid workers help people in overseas countries affected by human-made and natural disasters like wars, outbreaks of disease and earthquakes.
Art therapist
Art psychotherapist
Art therapists help people express difficult thoughts and feelings through creative activities.
British Sign Language interpreter
Language professional
British Sign Language (BSL) interpreters help deaf and hearing people communicate with one another.
Care escort
Community transport passenger assistant
Care escorts travel with elderly people or people with disabilities to help them get to their appointments.
Care home manager
Care home managers lead and run residential homes for adults or children.
Care worker
Care assistant, support worker, nursing home assistant
Care workers support vulnerable people with their daily activities and help them to live as independently as possible.
Careers adviser
Career consultant, career coach, career development practitioner
Careers advisers help people make decisions about their education, training and work options.
Child protection officer
Safeguarding officer
Child protection officers promote children's wellbeing and protect them from harm or abuse.
Childminders care for babies, toddlers and children in their own home, supporting their learning and development.
Clinical psychologist
Clinical psychologists help people manage mental health issues, phobias and addiction.
Cognitive behavioural therapist
CBT, talking therapist, behavioural therapist
Cognitive behavioural therapists help patients change negative patterns of thinking or behaviour with talking therapy.
Communication support worker
CSW, sign language support worker
Communication support workers (CSWs) help deaf students in school.
Community development worker
Community development workers help improve their local area.
Community transport driver
Community transport drivers provide a door-to-door service for people who can't easily use public transport.
Counsellors help people discuss their problems and feelings in a confidential setting.
Dramatherapists use group work, role play and movement to help people with their feelings and emotions.
Education welfare officer
School welfare officer, school attendance officer
Education welfare officers make sure that children attend school and get the support they need.
Equalities officer
Equality and diversity officer, equal opportunities officer, equality, diversity and human rights officer
Equalities officers make sure people are treated equally in an organisation by promoting positive practices and attitudes.
Family mediator
Family mediators help separating couples agree on future plans without having to go to court.
Family support worker
Family support workers help families with long or short term problems.
Forensic psychologist
Criminal psychologist, investigative psychologist, legal psychologist
Forensic psychologists study criminal behaviour and the reasons behind it, and help to treat people who have committed offences.
Foster carer
Foster carers look after children and young people who are not able to live with their birth family.
Funeral director
Funeral directors organise burials and cremations and support people who have lost a loved one.
Horticultural therapist
Horticultural therapists use gardening to improve their clients' health and wellbeing, and to learn new skills.
Housing officer
Housing officers look after rented properties for local authorities and housing associations.
Learning mentor
Learning mentors support students and trainees who need extra help with their learning.
Life coach
Life coaches support and encourage people to help them make informed decisions in their working and personal lives.
Money adviser
Debt counsellor
Money advisers help people whose debts have become too large or difficult for them to handle.
Music therapist
Music therapists use music and sound to help improve people's emotional well-being, relieve stress and build confidence.
Nannies work in private homes caring for their employer's babies and young children.
Nursery manager
Pre-school manager
Nursery managers run early years childcare centres, providing day care for babies and young children from birth to 5 years.
Nursery worker
Nursery assistant, early years educator, pre-school assistant, playgroup assistant, childcare worker
Nursery workers help babies and children up to 5 years old to develop and learn in a safe and supportive setting.
Occupational therapist
Occupational therapists help people who have difficulties caused by physical or mental illness, disability, accidents or ageing.
Occupational therapy support worker
OT assistant, OT technician, rehabilitation assistant, technical instructor
Occupational therapy support workers work with occupational therapists to help sick, injured or old people to be as independent as possible.
Palliative care assistant
Specialist healthcare assistant
Palliative care assistants provide specialist care and support to people living with serious illness and those reaching the end of their life.
Patient advice and liaison service officer
Patient advice and liaison service (PALS) officers give support, advice and information about NHS services.
Play therapist
Play therapists help children to make sense of difficult life experiences, or complex psychological issues through play.
Childcare assistant, wraparound care assistant
Playworkers help children and young people to develop their physical, social and language skills through play.
Probation officer
Probation officers supervise people serving community and prison sentences and help them to stay away from crime.
Psychological wellbeing practitioner
Primary care graduate mental health worker
Psychological wellbeing practitioners treat and support people with mental health problems.
Chartered psychologist
Psychologists apply the scientific study of the mind and how it affects behaviour to help people deal with real life issues.
Child psychotherapist, child and adolescent psychotherapist, family psychotherapist
Psychotherapists use talking therapies to help people deal with emotional, behavioural and mental health issues.
Religious leader
Faith leader, cleric
Religious or faith leaders offer spiritual and moral guidance, and lead public worship and other religious ceremonies.
Residential support worker
Residential support workers look after the physical and mental wellbeing of children or vulnerable adults in care.
School crossing patrol
Lollipop person
School crossing patrols help children and adults cross the road safely on their way to and from school.
School houseparent
Boarding school houseparent, resident houseparent
A school houseparent looks after the welfare, safety and pastoral care of students in boarding schools.
Senior care worker
Senior care assistant, senior adult social care support worker
Senior care workers provide physical and emotional support to individuals and supervise teams of care assistants.
Social services manager
Service manager, service development manager
Social services managers plan and co-ordinate the health, welfare and social care support provided by local authorities and charities.
Social work assistant
Community support worker, home care officer, social services assistant
Social work assistants give advice and help people with their physical, emotional and social needs.
Social worker
Social workers help to protect vulnerable children and adults from harm or abuse, and support people to live independently.
Substance misuse outreach worker
Recovery worker, early intervention worker
Substance misuse outreach workers advise people with drug or alcohol problems and encourage them to get help from local support services.
Victim care officer
Witness support officer
Victim care officers give practical and emotional support to people who've been affected by crime.
Welfare rights adviser
Welfare benefits adviser, welfare rights officer
Welfare rights advisers give free advice to the public to help them get the financial support they are entitled to.
Youth offending team officer
Youth offending service officer
Youth offending team officers work to prevent children and young people under 18 from offending and reoffending.
Youth worker
Youth workers support young people aged 11 to 25 to help them with their personal, social and educational development.